Tuesday, February 12, 2019

My Plan To Fix Baseball

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Two weeks ago baseball introduced a slew of new rule changes that would help vault the game into a more 21st friendly sport. Changes that included a universal DH, a pitch clock, reliever rules, and a more! Baseball is going to become faster, more action packed, and these changes are going to revolutionize the game…

…if they get approved by the players union and Major League baseball. But the commissioner, Rob Manfred, can use his powers to enact any of these rules if he chooses…

…but reports are that he is unlikely to. But he promised that these changes are only a matter of time, and that they will be enacted very soon…

…by like 2021…

…nobody really knows. 

There is lies the problem with baseball. Even when the sport is trying to be exciting, it literally achieves the opposite effect. In the midst of another boring baseball winter, where Free Agent activity is as infrequent as ever, commissioner Manfred rolled out these changes that have amounted into no new changes. 

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Baseball's Attempt To Evolve

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There is no denying that the sport of baseball is once again at a crossroads. It’s not as bad of a situation that the steroid dilemma presented, but one baseball cannot afford to ignore. Since the steroid era, baseball has become more of a cult sport. If you were brought up on American’s pastime, typically by baseball ‘purists’, you have rode through the tough times and still love the game. But baseball has lost a lot of its casual fans, for a litany of reasons that have nothing to do with previous problems the game had. In today’s TV obsessed world, baseball is just not the best product anymore. The NFL, NBA and their collegiate affiliates just present a more fast-paced, action packed, entertainment. The charm baseball has always had just doesn’t attract to younger viewers like it used to.